Create a new page and select "News page" or "Overview Page" as page type in the properties. To insert a page into the news or overview page, edit or create a new page, switch to "Include" and select the page on which it should be included ("Include in:"). Then specify the teaser headline and the teser - this will be shown on the news or overview page. With "Order nr." you can order the teasers in overview pages. The order in news pages is chronological.
On simple news pages you can just add news without creating new pages for each item.
Like into overview pages you can include pages into RSS Feeds and XML Sitemaps. Create a new page with page type RSS Feed or XML Sitemap, then include the pages you like into it (Include » Include in: RSS Feed / XML Sitemap). The title of the RSS Feed will be the page title, the description the description in "Properties".
First you need to create a photo gallery (Administration → Photo galleries → Create new gallery. There you can add photos and set titles and descriptions. After you created a photo gallery you can insert it into a photo page (page type "Photo page" with the gallery name as page type parameter) or insert the gallery with the gallery tag No photo in this gallery
<?php if($gcb_1 && isset($gcb[$gcb_1])) echo $gcb[$gcb_1]; ?>
This displays the global content block with ID 1 on all pages using the template:
<?php echo $gcb[1]; ?>